Wednesday 10 February 2016

Finding your Soulmate ( Tips with Pictures)

Enjoy being single. It may seem counterintuitive, but it is important that you are happy and confident as a single person before you are ready to find your soulmate. Relationships will last longer if both partners are healthy, stable, and confident in themselves. If you want to find your soulmate--and if you want your ideal partner to be equally attracted to you--you have to know who you are, what you want, and like yourself.[1] Some ways for you to enjoy spending time with yourself include:
  • Finding interesting hobbies to pursue
  • Valuing your friendships and family
  • Pursuing an interesting, stable career
  • Practicing being confident and strong
  • Keeping a diary to help keep you focused and to remind you of how far you've come
  1. Cultivate desirable traits in yourself. Make a list of traits you enjoy in a partner. Perhaps you are attracted to a good sense of humor or to a nice smile. Maybe you like someone who is athletic and participates in sports, or maybe you are attracted to someone who enjoys reading novels. No matter what the trait is, consider how you might be able to embody that trait yourself. If you work on yourself in this way, you might find that you end up meeting somebody who shares your interests and desires. Moreover, if you do not end up meeting your soulmate in this way, you will still have improved yourself and learned new skills.[2]
  2. Image titled Find Your Soulmate Step 3
    Keep an open mind. Studies show that people are not always able to predict the traits to which they are most attracted. If you make a list of desirable traits, it is quite likely that you will be attracted to a person in real life who exhibits quite different traits.[3] It is fine to have a few relationship dealbreakers as you attempt to find your ideal partner: however, let your instincts guide you more than a list of pros and cons. You might be surprised by the wonderful person you meet.
    • It is especially important to avoid certain internal biases and prejudices. Do not judge a person based on his/her skin color, religion, ethnicity, or age. Take some time to get to know the person before you decide whether or not a relationship is worth pursuing.[4]
  3. Image titled Find Your Soulmate Step 4
    Steer clear of attached persons. If you meet a wonderful person who is in a relationship with somebody else, resist the urge to have an affair with him or her. Most relationships that began with an act of infidelity do not last. They are rooted in scarcity and in wanting what you cannot have more than in true affection.[5] Wait until your ideal partner is single for a while before pursuing him or her in order to make sure that your relationship has a fighting chance.[6]
  4. Image titled Find Your Soulmate Step 5
    Develop your social network. The more interesting friends you have, the more interesting strangers you will meet through them. Expand your social network to expand your dating pool. Pursue friendships and close acquaintanceships if you want to meet new, promising people to date.[7] Some great ways to meet likeminded people include:
    • Joining a meetup group
    • Participating in a hobby
    • Volunteering for a cause you care about
    • Joining an alumni organization
    • Cultivating the friendships and acquaintanceships you have: invite friends out to dinner, host a few parties, or schedule a happy hour

Things to figure out before finding true love (MBG)

Often, people think that they have to learn how to master love when they're already in a relationship. In reality, who you are before you ever fall in love says much more about how your relationship will work out.